Download San Andreas mod installer here 2. And it should be installed San Andreas Mod Installer This one is another automatic mod installer. And then the new window show open and click ok.

Step 4: Click the cars dll (so it is highlighted) then go on commands and replace it will then ask you to choose a file to replace it with so go to desktop and find the dll file now do the same for the txd fild done.

Step 3: you should see a dll and txd file for example (buffalo.dff you can change the buffalo part to what ever car you want to replace) open img tool go to file open find gta3 loated at /my computer/(C:)/program files/rockstar games/gta san andreas/models/ once open press F2 and in the box type the car you whant to replace. Step 2: open the folder and extract the contents to your desktop (win rar is required to open the folder and extract) Before starting i strongly advise backing up your game do this by copying the GTA San Andreas folder and pasting it some where else also download the resorces below. Installing car mods is easy when you know how to so today i am going to give you a step by step guide.